Hi Keep up those fluids, my husband (stage 4 base of tongue) had fluid 3 times a day at cancer center so as not to get dehydrated, another thing that really helped him with his nutrition was to have a gravitational bag at night with 4 cans of nutrition that would slowly drip into the peg tube for 8hrs. Because he was getting to full to fast trying to get 6 cans in a day. So that was a big help to make sure he got what he needed. He had finished radiation August 11th it takes a while for the mucous to start to clear up but it will happen. He still has alot of swelling and some more pain than usual in the jaw bone. He went to the dr and dentist today and they will to an xray tommorrow to make sure that no bacteria got into the bone. He also gave him Prevident that he is to put on twice a day and he has been rinsing with Biotene which help with bacteria and dry mouth.
Take care and good luck