I am shocked as I read the amount of time it took many people to find out about their oc. My son said his lump (under his tongue) had been there about a year - well, maybe two. I was floored. "Why did you wait so long to bring it up?" He had been to his dentist every 6 mo. (not noticed) but alas, he never said anything either. He finally went to ENT because of swollen node on neck who cut it out from under the tongue that day. (small gray thing) I think people know when something isn't "right" with their body and should point it out and/or seek further evaluation. I am so against suing anybody for the problem. I think Gary said it best when he said to inform the dentist; he has to feel horrible about it.

Unfortunately in our society, when something bad happens, we want someone to pay. Maybe one person could get a great verdict, but believe me eventally everyone in the country would pay. Dentists, hygienists, dental assistants are just human and obviously not as well educated on this subject as they should be. Getting the word out is the best thing. I know I'm going to mention it to everyone.