Thank you all so much for your responses they have really helped me get through the weekend.

Gary-they had her on a couple types of antibiotics and that is why the doctor and the dentist were so impressed with her healing. Its just the pain now that we are all concerned about. That too is another reason why the doctor says that it is not common for the area to start healing if there was a new tumor there.

Is the area painful where the bone is exposed painful for your husband? If so what type of pain is it? My mom says that the pain she feels is not the same as it was when there was a tumor this so this too gives me a lot of hope that it is not a recurrance.

Well now all we can do is wait. She goes into the hospital this Friday for the surgery and is expected to stay until Monday as long as everything goes smoothly. You are all so wonderful. I will keep you all posted as soon as I know more.


Originally joined OCF on 12/12/03 as DaniO or Danijams
Dani-Mom SCC BOT & floor of mouth surgery-recur then surgery/rads & chemo completed 3/04
surgery 11/06 to remove dead bone & replace jaw w/ leg bone & titanium plate