
You mention that for some 95% of us we know what caused our cancer; that if it wasn't alcohol or smoking it was viral. Is there any virus other than the sexually transmitted HPV or can HPV be transmitted in a any other way? Without going through personal stories I have lived a celibate life even before I was ordained. I wondering if I'm one of the lucky 5%ers.

I'm still trying to return my life to the "new normal" it will be so I'm not sure how ready I am to become an activist. I still don't know enough about most of this. I do know, however, that there are now thousands of families in central NJ who atleast have heard about this cancer and that there are a few hundred young people that know alot more about it then they did before my diagnosis. For now thats the best I can do.

As people are talking to thier bosses and supervisors and such to see what thier companys can do please know that I am talking to my Boss to help those doing the research find a cure.


Fr. Mike

Fr. Mike
SCC on the base of tongue, right side. T2 N1 M0. July 25, 2003 partial (40%) glossectomy, forearm flap reconstruction, right side neck disection.