
Although we didn't use exact measures, I kind of put a tsp of both into a 16or 20oz water bottle filled with warm tap water. I made this mix every morning and just left it on the kitchen counter. I didn't have a problem with mouth sores at all but did have significant thick mucous. The key, I think, though is the frequency I rinsed/gargled with salt/bak sda mix at least 5 or 6 times a day. After I vomitted up mucous, after I drank my liquid meals, after bad coughing spells in the middle of the night etc...

It seemed to help me out.

Take Care,

Tim Stoj
60 yr old. Dx Jun 06 with BOT Stage IV. Neck dissesction on 19 Jun 06. Started Tx on 21 Aug 06/completed 33 IMRTs and 3 CT (2 Cisplat & 1 Carboplat) on 5 Oct 06.