Dear Karen
The good Lord gave me 10 years with my Mom from the time of diagnosis until she took her last breath with me holding her hand. Please take comfort that your Dad will definately be in a better place. Two days afer Mom passed, a white butterfly came from out of no where and landed gently on my arm. This continued yearly for quite some time. I smelled her "presence" for many years. You need to grieve. Please be consoled that although our earthly bodies get sick and die, the spirit lives on. You'll get to be with your Dad again someday..........
Am feeling your pain,

Susan Holsberg
ssc r maxilla r partial maxillectomy 9/25 brachytherapy 12/7
28 imrt 12/27 erbitux 12/20 recurrance 5/07 total maxillectomy
keeping my fingers crossed