Hello! Happy to report I am halfway through with my treatments. I completed #16 yesterday. The only really bad thing is the ulcers in my mouth. They are on my tongue, gums and lips. I am taking concentrated pain drops - Oxydose, which I would recommend to everyone - so I am comfortable, but I can't eat anything, and it's hard to talk. I am now on continuous feeds through my tube. I guess this is to be expected. But I think my mouth looks pretty bad. My oncologist held my chemo this week, because that can make the ulcers worse. She didn't think it would affect the overall treatment plan. It was kind of nice not to get the chemo.
I know the first half is the easy half. But I survived this far, and it hasn't been too bad.I'm still on the 'Take One Day at a Time" Plan and this works for me! - Laura

Laura G.,32 yo mother of 2, SCC of lateral tongue (T1N1M0), dx 10/13/05 w/ right partial glossectomy. 11/7/05 neck dissection at Hopkins with one positive node and further removal of tongue tissue, currently undergoing IMRT with Cisplatin