
I was 41 when I was diagnosed and went through the aggresive treatment of radiation and chemo followed by radical neck dissection. Like everyone else has said - day by day - you'll get through it, just keep your thoughts on being here to raise your kids. That's what I did - I wanted to do everything possible so that I would be here to see them finish growing up. It's amazing what we can pull ourselves through. It's been almost 2 years since my diagnosis and I feel great. Yes, I have a somewhat dry mouth but I just carry a water bottle, no big deal. Like Nelie said, if I had anything to do differently, it would be to force myself to swallow more during treatment. I deal with swallowing issues now, but have seen improvements - I eat most foods, just have to be careful and go slowly. My thoughts are with you as you go through this journey.


SCC Base of Tongue Stage IV- 2/04 - 40 Rads 1/2 conventional, 1/2 IMRT; 3 chemo treatments consisting of Carboplatin/Taxol/5-FU; Right Radical Neck Dissection
7/04; scans and pathology clear