Thank you all for your support and love to me over my scan results. So many emails and messages
have given me a sense of a safe harbor in the night. I was down all week and weekend and I hated the feeling. I went back and read your postings and it was a real pick me upper.
I will continue to fight this basterd of a diaease until I can't or win.
Had my second session on the new chemo drugs and met some new people just starting. By the time I left I had made three new friends. On thy way to the hospital I was driving my Mini Cooper and looked out and said what a beautiful day it is.
Had to remind myself to live in the moment and not dwell on what I can't control. Live for the moment!! Funny how we have to remind ourselves to do that. Many of you have taught me that. I just need a kick in the hinder once in awhile.

The doctor upped my anti-depressants from 50mg to 100 mg. I'm taking Zoloft once per day.

Thanks again for all the support, It means so much to me at this time.

Love ya, Danny Boy

Daniel Bogan DX 7/16/03 Right tonsil,SCC T4NOMO. right side neck disection, IMRT Radiation x 33.

Recurrance in June 05 in right tonsil area. Now receiving palliative chemo (Erbitux) starting 3/9/06

Our good friend and loved member of the forum has passed away RIP Dannyboy 7-16-2006