Gita, I had a similar situation as your sister, Partial glossectomy, radical neck dissection followed by IMRT rad/chemo. About 3 months out of the first round of rad discovered a lump on opposite side, docs ar first though it was nothing, then after showing up on PET/CT thought it was infection, treated with antibiotics then followed another PET/CT, then needle biopsy. Biopsy proved positive. Second neck dissection followed by more IMRT rad/chemo.

Maybe the docs here are more aggressive, maybe its from not having to deal with HMO, but seems like the team in LA isn't being particularly aggressive in treating this second occurance. From what I've experienced, read and heard from other's experiences, in the case of SCC chemo is mostly used as an addtional therapy to help the radiation work on the cancer, not as a remedy by itself.

As far as PET showing possible new activity in the orignal area, that can possibly be residual from the radiation treatment, will show up as a hot spot for a few months. The attitude of "nothing left to do" if the chemo doesn't work is not acceptable, unleass there are circumstances that I'm not aware of.

Hope that your sister has good results, please keep us posted, we're all in this fight together.

SCC Tongue, stage IV diagnosed Sept, 2002, 1st radical neck dissection left side in Sept, followed by RAD/Chemo. Discovered spread to right side nodes March 2003, second radical neck dissection April, followed by more RAD/Chemo.