I'm glad to hear that you are in good health..afterall that is most important to your well being. I too can say the same regarding my health and I feel blessed, as I'm sure you do, that we can say this..we Gary, know we are healthy due to all the attention, care and diagnostic tests we have been through.
Here's a little spin on the treatment that we have been through and most don't realize(albeit, different cancers, different areas and different treatments)in our current situations we know we are healthy that's better than the average Joe walking down the me, that's a wonderful feeling.
It's an ever changing dynamic beast, the human body, then add the rigors that cancer therapy adds.
All it takes is something to upset the balance of the normal flora of the oral/nasal cavity and viola...thrush. I have had similar troubles and get equally as disgruntled as you. My cancer was in my leg and the surgical margins are past the I'm sure I do not have to tell you where I have some recurring "yeast".

Could open a bakery or a brewery, diflucan is marvelous, my "smarties" minus the chocolate. Topical antifungals help but are greasy and uncomfortable...(ladies, I'm probably one of the only males with sympathetic ears regarding yeast infections...hehe).

Any how Gary, as for your dentist, if you are still comfortable with him you should talk to him about your concerns. Too often I loose a patient to another office, (it happens all the time), because they feel embarassed, or don't want to waste my time, or don't want to tell me how to do my job, or don't want to step on my toes. One thing cancer has taught me is I will state my opinion when it's warranted and accept all praise and criticism...cancer removed my filter, it didn't change my opinions but, now those I come in contact with hear what I have to say whether they agree or disagree. Cancer also taught me that I am human and no better than any other person, so...I have Dr. in front of my name, big deal...I respect, and appreciate and am no better than anyone else.
We tend only to hear the negative things after people leave and rarely get compliments. I tell all my patients, "If you like how we look after you tell your friends, call me or come talk to me about any concerns anytime...and I will do my best to rectify any problems or make modifications to my "routine" if it is percieved to be lacking, If you are ever uncertain, or unhappy, or feel like you were not treated appropriately in any way regarding any part of our realtionship with you call me and I will do my best to rectify the problem." I then give them my home phone number and home e-mail address.
We, (dentists), get trapped by our "routine" because it is preached to us from day one in school. It's hard to add and welcome new additions to that routine. I never do the same examination sequence twice...I know I cover everything because my assistant has a checklist. This allows me to stay fresh and when available add new ideas, techniques and equipment.
Jerry and I are both advocates for the VELScope and are both registered users of the technology. We believe it is in the best interest of the people we treat to offer them this technology, it's expensive, but my patients deserve the same as I do. I'm sure I have and/or will err in my diagnosis or treatment of someone. I would like to have that "someone" fill me in on it so I can learn from it and not have it happen to anyone else.

To your continued health and happiness,


Dentist since 1995, 12 year Cancer Survivor, Father, Husband, Thankful to so many who supported me on my journey so far, and more than happy to comfort a friend.
Live, Laugh, Love & Learn.