Helen, in no way would I "forget it". I would in this case put it in the "nuisance" column. I know you have heard this nearly a million times since you first arrived here but, it isn't until they say it is.

For about three years before being told that it was, I listened to my ENT doc use the leukoplakia term in every dictation he did for every single visit I made to his office. At that time I had no idea what the hell leukoplakia was, thus I did not worry about it. Now though as I said above, I would put it in the "nuisance" column and make damn sure that it was followed on a regular basis.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Continue being the strong lady we all know you are.


No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever. - Francois Mauriac

Thank you for leaving your mark.