Not all dentists are created equal. I pesonally view dentists, ENT's, surgeons and oncologists as a team. If everyone knows the play book scenarios like yours should not happen.
There is a simple way to diagnose thrush.
Swab the area, wipe it on a microscope slide, stain the sample (various stains are available), wash the slide and have a look. Fungal hyphae appear stained. If we see this it's a positive diagnosis and then we treat it. I use Nystatin suspension for small localized areas, diflucan for larger areas, and for the stubborn cases ( this may disgust some people) both of the above plus antifungal vaginal suppositories.
Unfortunately most dentists don't have a microscope in their offices, and forget their microbiology, so they refer an otherwise simple procedure and cause a lot of anxiety for patients.

ENT's, great guys!! I personally feel that if I can perform this simple procedure and confirm a diagnosis in less than 20 minutes I should not contribute to their already bogged down schedules. If it's not thrush then I refer the patient.

I'm not trying to step on toes and I know it's not an ideal world. The mouths I treat are brought in by people who deserve the same care that I would expect regardless of my knowledge.

Cheers all,


Dentist since 1995, 12 year Cancer Survivor, Father, Husband, Thankful to so many who supported me on my journey so far, and more than happy to comfort a friend.
Live, Laugh, Love & Learn.