
I am a very agressive advocate for myself and my patient's after being pacified by three surgeons for three years. The fourth did the biopsy and wow, an elephant. I would have been overjoyed had the biopsy came back negative and deemed unnecessary, even after the pain and discomfort and inconvenience of the procedure.
I have stated in other posts that, "...I would much rather see unnecessary biopsies of innocent lesions than no biopsy of a potentially cancerous lesion."
Biopsies are far less expensive than the treatment costs for cancer. If professionals were more prone to biopsy, many mature aggresive cancers would be picked up in the early stages and treated more successfully at a lower cost. Not to mention the netter outcomes for the individual patients.

I say, go with your gut. If your current doc won't biopsy the lesion find one that will. I agree with you 100% especially with your recent medical history.

That's my two cents.

Take care of you!!



Dentist since 1995, 12 year Cancer Survivor, Father, Husband, Thankful to so many who supported me on my journey so far, and more than happy to comfort a friend.
Live, Laugh, Love & Learn.