Bill, My husband was also treated at Moffit Cancer Center and I imagine you are also seeing Dr. T... (don't know if we are supposed to name names, but I'll give you the first initial). He didn't even mention IMRT to us and if we hadn't gone on the internet and learned about it between appointments (hadn't found this forum at that time), we wouldn't have known to ask for it. When we went back and asked him about it, we were told that Moffitt policy is to give IMRT to patients who don't have surgery but to give standard radiation to those who have gone through surgery. This made no sense to us, especially after reading the IMRT study results from MD Anderson, published in 2005. He finally relented, saying something about it being more costly and saying he didn't know if our insurance would cover it. It did. The whole thing made us very uncomfortable with Moffit and I later found out the St. Joseph's Cancer Center in Tampa does IMRT (and often amifistone) as pretty standard treatment. Moffit will only do amifistone if you are part of a trial (or so we were told). He also told us that amifistone isn't needed if you use IMRT. Even though Moffit is ranked #13 by US News, we really began to question the radiation department's treatment protocol (and still do). In the end, Jerry got IMRT. They felt he wasn't a candidate for chemo due to another health issue. However, he seemed to breeze through the treatment in many ways (never needed to use peg, never needed pain patch though he did take pain meds 4x daily, mucositis didn't seem that bad. In fact his biggest issue has been a soft tissue injury (non-healing spot) at the site of surgery and where radiation was boosted. He also went through acupunture through Moffitt's Integrative medicine unit and he felt that alleviated a lot of the side effects. After reading everyone elses posts on this board about IMRT being pretty standard at many places, we continue to question exactly why Moffit is sticking with standard radiation for post-surgery patients. Oh, also, for some reason the surgeon he saw there seemed to be really opposed to IMRT. I could just never figure it out. Good luck to you as you sort this out! Connie

Wife of Jerry - Dx. Jan '05. SCC BOT T1N2BM0 + Uvula T0N0M0. Stg IV, Surg on BOT and Uvula + Mod Rad Neck Diss.(15 rmvd, 4 w/cancer), IMRT 33x. Cmpltd 5/9/05.