It is interferon that Ed is taking and his wife said his main complaints are severe headaches, backaches, nausea with cramping and overwhelming fatigue. How were you able to control the side effects, if at all? Thanks for your advice in all of this, they feel as if the doctors are blowing him off.
My childhood was the stuff books are written about, classic alcoholic tale. Wife that enabled it all, damn good mother but weak and unable to stand up to the man she loved, the same man that abused her and her children in ways tough to even talk about. There wasn't as much help available to her or us back then so she stuck it out for 18 years, not like the small town we lived in was going to get involved.........everyone, including the school officials, knew what was going on in that house with four small children. My father was by far the wealthiest man in the area I grew up in. She left when my brother and I found out our father was having an affair with his brothers wife, we told mom either he was leaving or we were, and she finally took the strength we offered her. We were 15 and 16. His brothers wife became our stepmother and even with a divorce he continued to contaminate our lives and make my mother miserable. To this day she will tell you that she still loves him, go figure. He is alive, unbelievably healthy, and blissfully drunk 1000 miles away from me. Last time he saw me he had to ask my childrens names. I spent years agonizing over the hurt feelings it created in me until it dawned on me that he is a sick man, that he has an illness. From that moment on I learned to accept my father for what he is and to take what he has to offer me. He's not all bad, no human is, and in some strange way I know that he loves his children. One things for sure, there is NO alcohol in my house!! My husband played around with drinking beer when we were having a stressful time about 10 years ago, I put an end to that real quick.
Thanks Gary,

SCC Left Mandible. Jaw replaced with bone from leg. Neck disection, 37 radiation treatments. Recurrence 8-28-07, stage 2, tongue. One third of tongue removed 10-4-07. 5-23-08 chemo started for tumor behind swallowing passage, Our good friend and much loved OCF member Minnie has been lost to the disease (RIP 10-29-08). We will all miss her greatly.