Hi, This is my first time here. I have stage (111-1v) sqamous cell cancer on the tongue, and in the lymph behind or by the right thyroid. Plus there is a question about the lymph system onthe right midstruem. As you can tell this is also my first introduction to doctors! My parents are 91 and have been married 70 years. The last time my Mom saw a doctor was 46 years ago when I was born. I come from very healthy stock, as they say. I have been to walk-in clinics for colds, boils and a few accidents but this is a new and scarey world. PAIN!!!
I have had 51 of the 70 radiation treatments. The oncologist (3) to be exact said chemo would kill me right now, so that did not sound too inviting??? They thought about a PET scan but said with my rowdy history all the upcoming arthritis would show so they decided 70 radation treatments and then 18 months of WWOS= wait, watch, observe, and see which I do not understand at all. I am not sure this is where I am supposed to ask this question but I am new to the computer, internet and this site so please anyone who can guide me I would apperciate it. If you email me mention oral cancer site so that I will open the email, thanks.
My questions are:
I have 19 treatments to go, my mouth and throat burn so much I cannot eat or drink for the past two weeks, in other words very raw. The doctor decided to give me a break for a few days, my tongue now looks like it is blistering in other places they are white blisters. Is this spreading cancer or is this from the radation treatments?

The side-effects have not actually been explained to me no mattter how many questions I have on my list for the doctor. Is this a side-effect, but I am wondering if the break will do more harm than good. I am suffering but I will suffer anyway so does the break make a difference?

How do you control the pain? If I take two pain pills I sleep and then wake in massive waves of pain. I only sleep two- or three hours at best. If I take only one pill I stay in pain. The valuim help but wear off in half the time between dosages. The percot puts me to sleep or does not touch the pain? The magic-mouthwash works for about 5 minutes? Any suggestions???

The inside of my lip is bleeding and stick to the gus so I tear them apart each day and try to keep them coated with aqupohor. My tounge has new blisters as does the roof of my mouth? Is this all normal? How long after radation before I can eat? Has anyone else been told about this 18 months of WWOS? Please someone answer me I will try to get back to this page so I can read your reply's I will try my best as somedays I don't think I will see the next.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Praying for all of us,