Hi Cazz, The same thing happened for my husband. He was just about at the end of his radiation treatment, and his neck was as raw as you could possibly imagine. The last week of the treatment, they decided to concentrate moreso on the base of the tongue and not the neck area. The tumor in his lymph nodes had responded very well so far at this point, and they wanted to give that extra "shot" at the tongue where that nasty culprit started in the first place. So in my opinion, this is not unusal what they are doing for your brother. I know it's a lot to go through, and it tore at my heart to see Johnny in so much pain with his neck being raw and this throat and mouth the same way. But in the long run - if it does the good that it's supposed to do, it certainly is worth it. I hope your brother knows that we are all pulling for him and wish him the best for a speedy recovery! I hope you are taking care of yourself as well - the treatments, the stress, and all of it general can sure take it's toll on a caregiver. But be strong - I know your brother can get through this- things will get better in time!