When I first took Salagen it seemed to help. My mouth was so dry that I couldn't sleep for more than 1/2 hour at a time. I kept waking up and having to sip water or sometimes get up to rinse my mouth. That was about 3 months after my radiation ended. I took Salagen for a while and the improvement happened fairly quickly and fortunately for me without the side effects. My ENT then had me try a new med Evoxac(?)(I think that was the name) and that was the same for me as the Salagen. Finally I stopped taking both (after about 6-8 months total of taking one or the other) I didn't notice enough of a change in the level of dryness to make it worth the difficulties I had swallowing the pills. You'd think that something for people with dry mouth would be in liquid!

SCC stage 1 1987, 1/4 of tongue removed, neck dissection, SCC stage 3 2000, another 1/4+ removed second neck dissection, radiation.