After just going through this with my mom, and losing the fight. I just do not understand how doctors can say there is no more they can do, when in fact they do not even know if the cancer has returned. Something can be done and something should be done! Please stephany i know how hard this is. I was my mother main caregiver and she fought like hell to beat this, she too had a doctor who she had for over 10 years. Were we at a major cancer center i believe i would still have my mom. Try to have her get a second oponion, You do not want to have to live with the what ifs. Sorry i'm ramblim.

Was Primary caregiver to my mom who had stage IV, SCC, Supraglottic with Mets to 4 nodes. Diagnosed Feb 04, died unexpectedly from complications from treatment December 17, 2004.