Hi all,

First, I'm sorry that I haven't been in touch for awhile. This computer is the Pinto of technology. (Sorry, hated my Pinto!) This machine is more tempermental than I am.

I finally convinced the stupid thing to boot-up today, and had to respond to this thread.

We live in the horrid tri-state area. If you have to go into DC, like my husband does each day, you never know how bad you'll be screwed.

Last week, he was going through town to a Department of Justice job. A cop was directing traffic, but decided in the middle of a light change to try and stop Dennis even though the light was green. The cop proceeded to bang the whole side of my husband's new truck and yell "STOP" Well, Dennis did, after a few choice cuss words, and when asked for his license, got out of the truck and reached into his front pants pocket. (He keeps all important IDs in the front) Instantly, these guys(back-up had arrived by now!---I guess they needed help to land a whopping 135 lb., 5'11" guy!)had him handcuffed and thrown over the hood of the truck!!!!!!!!!!

Once they ran his Federal ID they let him go, but wouldn't admit that they had overreacted. I don't think they took too kindly to the fact that he knew more about traffic control than they did.

We've had a good laugh.....but beware if you are traveling through DC!


PS--We had a guy a few weeks ago here who thought he hit a "deer" on the interstate. He didn't bother to get out and check. Once he drove home and sobered up the next day, he noticed a dead body in the street in front of his house. He had hit a guy changing a tire on the interstate and drug him for over 10 miles.


Husband diagnosed with stage III tonsil and floor of mouth cancer in August 2002. Three rounds of chemo/42 RAD treatments. Upper right lung lobectomy in March 2003. (Benign)