I'm in shock. She is a special lady. She will not be forgotten by me & I'm sure many others. Lynn was very encouraging to me with emails & even a phone call when I was at my lowest. I had no idea she was so sick. SHIT,SHIT,SHIT!!! I wish we all could have met under other circumstances, like a friendship board or one big party or anything but OUR circumstances. But we certainly wouldn't have the closeness & compassion we share here. I'm not a person that has a lot of close friends, but I am proud to have called Lynn one of mine. I am not religious, but my thoughts & prayers are with Lynn and her family.

dx 2/11/04 scca bot T3 IU 2B MO poorly differentiated, margins ok, 3/16 modest, jaw split, over half of tongue removed, free flap from left forearm - finished chemo & rad treatment 5/20/04