Lynn's services will be held July 31, 10:00 a.m. at:
Church of Christ South Macarthur
1401 South Macarthur Boulevard
Irving, TX 75060
I posted the news on Lynn with mixed emotions. I know how bad news permeates our soul when we are in the struggles created by this disease. But I know, in my heart, that Lynn would want us all to rejoice in the blessings she had experienced in her life. She was so proud of her family and spoke of them often. She was strong in faith. I wanted to share a particular message she sent me as she was planning on a "girl's time out" to New York City.
"My word how much can one family take? I keep asking myself and maybe I should stop because it keeps getting shoveled on us.
1. I was rear-ended in my van with Sally in the vehicle, we're okay
2. Mike was hit and run in Farmers Branch, he's okay
3. Mike is having laser surgery for a torn retina today
4. Sally has an ear infection
5. We're supposed to go on vacation next week
6. We had a check stolen out of our mailbox and the check was washed and altered, luckily the credit union caught it.
But gee how strong does God think I am? I would appreciate you approaching His throne and asking for help on our behalf."
She later attributed it all to just "life" and said she just supposed with the cancer on top of everything else, it seemed more of a burden than usual. This was many weeks after she told me the doctors had explained to her the lung mets would take her life soon. By the way, I did thank her for having so much faith in me and my relationship with God to ask me to intervene on her behalf.
Please take just a moment today and smile for Lynn. Go back and read a couple of her posts. Even during her darkest moments she made every attempt to help us all and rain an abundance of sunshine on us!
God bless!