
Do not wait until July, please take everyone's advice and Sharlee's offer of help and get checked out. My sister also had the white area on her tongue and it was SCC. Her dentist has been keeping an eye on it for years, as the biopsy had come back inconclusive. Finally when it started causing her much pain another biopsy was performed and then surgery. You need to get this checked out NOW, please do not wait, if it is cancer it will get worse quickly. My sister had good care, she's a dental hygienst, but has been fighting this cancer for over 2 years.

Please do not delay getting these issues checked out, and be vigilant in doing so. I hope you have family or friends who can help you.


Caregiver to sister Connie, dx 2005, scc tongue, 4 surgeries inc. radical left side neck dissection 7/06, 35 IMRT, and 7 cisplatin 2/07, passed away 8-11-07, 51 yrs. young, fought with courage, strength and grace, found peace on her new journey.