Hello Sarah
I'm in a simlar situation. I'm fighting for my treatment. No matter what our station in life is, everyone seeing a health professional deserves to be treated courteously and with dignity and respect. You gave no state, are you on Long Island? Whatever you do, you must see an ENT. Borrow the money if necessary. This could be the most important Dr appointment of your life. I can not begin to tell you how many people here have had a misdiagnosis. Or simply told it's nothing to worry about. Petey

DX 3-21-07 L tongue,SCC Stage IV (T3N2MO) TX Slash/Burn/Poison Method.
***Rapid Aggressive Recurrence 8-4-07 with same DX/TX. Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh. Never Give Up! ****UPDATE**** Our dear friend Petey passed away, RIP 9-2-07