Hello Maran, and welcome!

I am not a doctor but to me you need a second (or third) opinion. While your doctor might be right, it is your life on the line here. A biopsy of at least some of those enlarged nodes would be cheap insurance. Too many people visiting here have been treated incompletely the first time around.

You didn't mention the experience level of your doctor, or if you were treated at a large comprehensive cancer center. Getting a second opinion is important not paranoid.

Take care and keep us posted.

P.S. If you need to educate your doctor more about paranoia, tell him/her you know someone who would have been treated 5 months sooner if the doctor wasn't inclined to blow a lump in the neck off. That would be ME! Tell her/him all about the paranoid thoughts my 3 sons had about loosing their father to cancer. Which, since my Life insurance agent still laughs at me when I call to UP my coverage, is still a possibility. For that matter give him/her this web site so I can tell the story directly. mad

Mark, 21 Year survivor, SCC right tonsil, 3 nodes positive, one with extra-capsular spread. I never asked what stage (would have scared me anyway) Right side tonsillectomy, radical neck dissection right side, maximum radiation to both sides, no chemo, no PEG, age 40 when diagnosed.