Oscar, also for what it's worth, when I had my recurrance I had gone to both the ENT and Oncologist with a lump in my neck a couple of times, and they both thought it was nothing. Finally a second ENT who specializes in head and neck cancers and was actually the first ENT's professor in college, took a look at it, and insisted on PET/CT. Even after PET/CT showed it as a hot spot, the first two just thought "infection" and gave me antibiotics. Only after follow up PET/CT a month later followed by a needle biopsy did they finally know it realy was malignant and did a second neck dissection.

Thing is, quit fooling around with maxillofacial surgeon, (don't tick him off though, they can be real good at putting you back together after the primary surgery) and see a good head and neck ENT.

Good luck. Another Man United fan.

SCC Tongue, stage IV diagnosed Sept, 2002, 1st radical neck dissection left side in Sept, followed by RAD/Chemo. Discovered spread to right side nodes March 2003, second radical neck dissection April, followed by more RAD/Chemo.