I am really reluctant to ask for help and advice, and if I was not so confused and scared I probably would not. I think some of my symptoms are pure stress related, and I am more than aware of the people who are hatefull of this. I feel my face is completely numb and swallowing generates a dry crunching sensation in my throat. The throat symptom was the one I presented to my doctor with a lump on my soft palate. He refersd me to a maxillofacial surgeon. The surgeon inspected the lump and said it was were the two muscles meet in the roof of the mouth, one of them is fiberous and is the resulting lump. I have no reason to doubt this, but can't help BUT doubt it. He said he was so sure that he did not need to do a biopsy. I have looked all over the internet, used all types of descriptions in search engines, nothing other than minor saliva gland tumor (benign or otherwise) ever comes back. I also felt a small swelling in my neck, a node about the size of a kydney bean is there but comes and goes, does this not mean anything.
There are lots of things but I can't think straight enough to put them down. I pray I am just over reacting and will wake up soon. Reality, my doctor has inspected me, also a maxillofacial surgeon. I think maybe all I have read in the last few weeks has really got to me, does this sound sensible. A voice is really needed.