Hi Oscar,
I went and looked at the site that you refered to and like the "new age" is full of half truths. It is true that more biopsies are given than necessary for mammography. They are still sorting out the "false positive" rates for different detection schemes. There is also a major push for early detection in mammography and also a congress mandated "Mammography Quality Assurance Act". Comparing this with head & cancer cancer is comparing apples and oranges. Did they mention also that the death rate from breast cancer is greatly diminshed because of early diagnosis?

Squamous cell carcinoma can metasticize quite readily without any "help". Most deaths from the disease occur either from metastesis or "occult" tumors not discovered in the first diagnosis.

With ANY medical procedure there is always a risk/benefit. Some people die from biopsy procedures of various types (I haven't heard of anyone dying from a head & neck biopsy).

When they started (briefly -after the data was in they rolled back their thoughts about the efficacy) enhanced screening for prostate cancer the death rate from biopsy procedures went up 5% - but not because of cancer but because of septic poisoning from the location of the biopsy through the rectal wall.

Oscar I'm going to lay it out straight to you: Quit screwing with this. Get a qualified head & neck surgeon or ENT with a proven track record for head & neck cancer, get the biosy and sleep better at night knowing that you don't a ticking time bomb that will kill you. Procrastination, denial or misdiagnosis has killed more than one person on this site. Let's not add you to the list.

Considering that the death rate is about 50% I don't think any realistic person in the medical profession is going to fault you for your fear so don't let guilt from this cloud your judgement.

All of information on the good old "information superhighway" is a wonderful thing but full of unvalidated, unscientific opinions, irrelevancy, quack cures and dangerous information, sprinkled in with legitimate information. You practically need a medical degree to sort through it. Brian has a panel of doctors who screen any information that is offered elswhere on the site. Scientific articles and newsbreaking items offered here are subjected to scientific scrutiny before they are offered for public consumption.

Gary Allsebrook
Dx 11/22/02, SCC, 6 x 3 cm Polypoid tumor, rt tonsil, Stage III/IVA, T3N0M0 G1/2
Tx 1/28/03 - 3/19/03, Cisplatin ct x2, IMRT, bilateral, with boost, x35(69.96Gy)
"You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (James 4:14 NIV)