Hi, Thanks guys, I am working on positive thoughts, I am not on any antidepressants, but if this surgery fails I better be on something! Well Packer 66, I actually have 3 chins, I could spare you one. They took my old chin and pushed it to the side(my plastic Dr. calls it a witches chin) The second is the piece they took from my shoulder to cover the bar with, the third is a piece of skin in a smooth bump that they will need to reconstruct. It doesn't look as bad as it sounds. I guess I am in denial. if I don't look in a mirror, I feel like me! I guess I will have to suck it up, as my son says. No pain no gain. But it sure isn't easy . gnelson :rolleyes:

gnelson, StageIV, cancer free since Nov.9,2000