Hi Gnelson,

I am so sorry that this seems to be 'never ending' for you. Since I am a caregiver, not a patient, my input will be different. I'm sure those in the same boat as you will offer other suggestions.

As difficult as it may seem, I guess I would say that you need to look at the positives. You are a 2-yr survivor of a stage IV cancer, which in itself is an accomplishment. You have surmounted many obstacles and will continue to do so. I think it's understandable that your "frame of mind" might not be the best after this recent set-back and I think the doctor could have shown a little more sensitivity to this-but then if the doctors did what I thought they should, we've have a better system of care (grin).

Don't know what if anything you have done in the past to handle these set-backs but I strongly believe in using anti-depressants if necessary and talking to a counselor. These are extraordinary times and you sometimes need to use extraordinary means to help you get through. By extraordinary means, I'm talking about things that one may not consider under "normal" conditions.

Keep your chin (no pun intended) up and tell yourself you CAN do this. We'll be rooting you on!

Best wishes,
