Completely thrown off our game. We took him for what was to be outpatient 2 hour oral surgery and they accidentally cut a blood vessel and nerve. He went up to real surgery and the whole thing took 7 hours. They kept him over night. He's home now.
We haven't even started fighting cancer. I have lost so much confidence with this place. His lip will be permanently numb. All this discussion about whether or not he could keep teeth and I never thought of oral surgery dangers.
Hospital gave Mom and I a motel room, we hadn't brought a thing with us. She said we are learning a lesson about preparedness. Dad's attitude as always is great and forgiving...(I did not get these traits)

Caregiver to father,Frank -Tonsil SCC spread to base of tongue 2 lymph, T2N2M0 stage 4a, IMRT 35x, Erbitux 8x-stopped after 5 due to thrush infection and strp infection in PEG,diag Aug 07 tx concluded Nov 8 07 PEG issues Inpatient Oct 8th-Nov 8th.