OP Contributing Member (25+ posts) Joined: Aug 2007 Posts: 36 | Thank you for your responses, the original question I have is about choosing carboplatin rather than cisplatin to save Dad's hearing. They just got quiet about the dentistry stuff (overload?). I have a feeling this is how it will be: Tommorrow- I want a strategy meeting, they want a barbecue and have invited guests..(to my house!) I will make time with them to read all of your responses. Thanks, Mariam
Caregiver to father,Frank -Tonsil SCC spread to base of tongue 2 lymph, T2N2M0 stage 4a, IMRT 35x, Erbitux 8x-stopped after 5 due to thrush infection and strp infection in PEG,diag Aug 07 tx concluded Nov 8 07 PEG issues Inpatient Oct 8th-Nov 8th.