We are in the Peoria Area but he will be treated in Iowa City. There is a partnership there between University of Iowa Cancer Center and the Veterans Hospital. (Dad is a vet so they put him up and pay for everything. Radiation etc will be at the University Hospital)
Dad is 72 years old with no health problems (other than Cancer) he even has all of his teeth and has only had one cavity in his life.(They will remove 11 teeth on Monday, all in the back.)
He smoked in the 1950's in the military and a bit socially after but not at all in the last 35 years. He has 1 beer a week. He's Mr Moderation. He still works part time as a music instructor, plays in the symphony etc. He is in no pain or fatigue, just noticed a lump about a month ago on the neck.
They said that the only thing going against him with Cisplatin is his age. However Dad is beginning to feel that the risk of hearing loss, ringing or changes are bordering unacceptable.(especially after reading on this site that the hearing problems can start after the 1st treatment..They want to do chemo 3 times-once every three weeks, and radiation 5 days a week for 7 weeks) Not to mention the kidney stuff.
Hopefully I can get Mom involved with this site as well. Dad is not internet savvy but asks me to research etc.

Caregiver to father,Frank -Tonsil SCC spread to base of tongue 2 lymph, T2N2M0 stage 4a, IMRT 35x, Erbitux 8x-stopped after 5 due to thrush infection and strp infection in PEG,diag Aug 07 tx concluded Nov 8 07 PEG issues Inpatient Oct 8th-Nov 8th.