Caryn: Hang in there! It WILL get better! I had radiation for 7 weeks and chemo for several months. Ended up in the hospital twice for two weeks each time. I was brought down to the lowest, lowest point, but now I'm doing okay. My last treatment was January 17th, so this is all very fresh in my mind.

It IS hell! I ended up with a feeding tube, and could not eat for 6 months. It was really hard. Food is everywhere you look - on TV, in magazines, etc. I totally missed Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I also could not talk -- had a whiteboard on which I would write comments to my family.

It's so natural to feel sorry for yourself. Trust me, I did, and still do. But I found that it was good to do once in awhile. I would scream and cry, and then the next day I would come back fighting. It's impossible to be positive all the time.

One thing that helped me -- try to find good things from the cancer, if that's possible. For example, my relationship with my husband, family and friends became much stronger. My faith became much stronger. I appreciated life much more. Etc.

But again, if none of that works -- cry a little!

Good luck!
