Hi, I am very sorry for the loss of your father.He and I came on the forum about the same time several years ago.He helped me many times with his humor and how strong he was. It seems odd, I came on to day to post that I had had my very last operation to rebuilt my face. It was done Feb. 23. The night before i said to my husband I need to be alone for awhile, It was like Frank told me, You prepare for battle. I thought it will be the last time I hope. I thought of him that night. I was doing my 11 surgery. It does not get any easier. He gave this a valient fight and inspired many of us.Your family and Dee should shine with pride about how brave he was and how he helped so many people keep up the fight.I am sure there is a very special place for people like Frank to be. One of them is in all our hearts.Gayla

gnelson, StageIV, cancer free since Nov.9,2000