My pathology report stated there were dysplasia cells present so I was aware of that. But did this new tumor come from those dysplasia cells that turned into this cancer or is it part of the original tumor that wasn't completely removed? I guess I will never know but a recurrence in 10 weeks sounds like part of the original tumor returned. Like pulling a dandelion out of the grass. if a few roots remain in the soil, you have a new dandelion popping up from the original in about a week. As it stands even if I did opt for the radiation, I don't think I would have been into my first treatment yet so I think this second tumor would have still occurred. Sorry if my explanations and terminology are not 100% correct but I am new to all of this and trying to understand it. These descriptions in my report caught my eye.
- Perineural invasion present
- Invasive carcinoma extends focally to the deep margin
- Additional findings: Nonkeratinizing dysplasia, severe (carcinoma in situ)

Last edited by glenn347; 02-01-2023 01:33 PM.
