Hi, I'm new here and didn't know this site existed until now. First diagnosed 2/14/06 after wasting 4 months with an ENT who said the swelling under my left jaw was a saliva gland.

Had a modified radical neck dissection 3/9/06 @ UCLA Medical Center. Surgeon removed 47 lymph nodes, one positive for metastastic undifferentiated carcinoma (lymphoepithelioma). Multiple biopsies failed to locate the primary, but positive for Epstein-Barr virus indicating nasopharyngeal cancer.

PETscan in April failed to locate a primary, although it did show mild hypermetabolic activity in the upper right lobe. Went in for a fine needle aspiration of the lung a week and a half later, but the contrast CT showed nothing there (?!).

So........I'm into the 5th week of radiation. Started chemo last week (40mg Cisplatin + 40 mg Docetaxel). The worst week of my life.....really sick. I've declined further chemo right now, but will re-assess after radiation ends in two weeks.


dx 2/13/06. modified radical neck dissection 3/9/06 multiple biopsies of upper airway and direct laryngoscopy. 1 of 47 lymph nodes positive for metastatic undifferentiated carcinoma (lymphoepithelioma). Unknown primary. Finished radiation 5/24/06.