Hi Toronto! My husband had a left neck mass with unknown primary and just finished (yesterday) 39 radiation treatments and 3 rounds of chemo (actually ended up to be 4 rounds of chemo because they changed the chemo drug after5 the first 2 rounds from Cisplatin to Carboplatin and Taxol). He is scheduled for modified radical neck dissection next week. Are you going to have or have you had a neck dissection? How did you do through your treatments. Please write back with any comments or questions.

Michele, caregiver to husband, Jesse, SCC diagnosed 1/5/06 unknown primary, lf neck mass >6 cm. Chemo (Cisplatin 2x; Carboplatin & Taxol 2x) & XRT radiation 39X ending 4/4/06. Rad neck dissection 8.5 hrs 4/13/06. 30 HBO treatments Fall 2006.