Hi Hillary,
My Dad just began treatments for unknown primary. He had a neck dissection first and the size of the infected node was 4 cm. They said it could possibly be two nodes but all others were clear. He is on Erbitux once a week and began radiation this week. They are radiating both sides and all other possible areas. He is also taking the Amofistine as is doing ok but of course we just got started. Keep in touch as it seems we are going through this together. My Dad was in excellent health prior to this and has never smoked.

Caregiver to Father:Stage III unknown primary; modified left side neck dissection 2/2006; 8 wk trmts of Erbitux 3/2006 with-37 radition treatments; 11.2010; biopsy of base of tongue results questionable. 9.2013 tumor on left side of tongue; squamous cell cancer. 10.2.2013 Hemiglossectomy(1/2 tongue removed) with reconstruct tongue using left thigh tissue;surgery included IORT.
25 additional IMRT radiation trtmts & 5 wks/chemo. Carbo & Taxol combo.NPO;100% PEG depend;aspiration pneumonia 3/2014