First time around I didn’t get answers apparently because either I said I have anxiety or because I wasn’t diagnosed..I don’t know which. The white spot still persists on the lateral border on the back of my right’s more on the floor of my mouth than the tongue. It’s very white and for the past few months the tissue surrounding the spot is red more often than not. Not erthyroplakia red, but just increased blood vessels in the area. It’s not red all the time but more than half. I figure this must be no good. I am going to have a biopsy on Wednesday and I fear it’s the beginning of the end. I really hope I’m wrong but the redness is scary. That area also seems a little swollen is hard to tell. Still doesn’t hurt but I can’t find anything else this can possibly be besides the big c. Maybe then I’ll get a response when I post. I’m too young for this and did nothing to warrant this. I’d almost rather stand in front of a bus then continue down this path. It doesn’t ever seem to end well. I’m scared and alone and feeling like no one cares.
