Today we saw the radiation oncologist and he showed us some of the pictures from the CT and PET scans. There is still some activity near the tumor site, but it is at a different location than the original hot spot, so he thought that might represent tissue damage from radiation rather than active tumor cells. The lymph nodes showed smaller spots of activity than the pre-treatment scan. The protocol for the research study he is in calls for scans at 2 months, but the doc said he likes to wait until 3 months after the end of treatment. He listened to our concerns and explained that it is just too soon to draw a conclusion.

Friday we have an appointment with the speech therapist who is in the same office as the ENT. We can ask for another opinion.

I feel much more hopeful today and am able to go on doing what needs to be done. Thanks for being there as a sounding board and for your thoughtful response. I was in a panic and didn't know what to do.


Last edited by jane k; 02-27-2019 03:02 PM.

Spouse diagnosed with stage 4 HPV mediated SCC
in BOT & 2 lymph nodes in neck 10/18
Radiation & chemo completed 12/18
Metastasis to lung - radiation 6/20
Mediastinal mass 2/21