my husband is still complaining 3 months later of a sore throat. He did everything he could to NOT do what he was told to do though! He says that's not true but his mind was so messed up during treatment that I doubt he remembers much of anything honestly.

He started going to a speech pathologist to work on swallowing as he had not done the exercises during treatment. He had the same diagnosis as you. Now he is going to work on neck exercises so his neck does not freeze up like it did for one of his co-workers.

They have given him the go ahead for more foods. Surprisingly, once he started doing some of the exercises, he gained more confidence to try things and is slowly adding in foods. Most don't go well but then he went back to all his old way of eating rather than easing into things with soups and foods with no edges (as the dietician refers to some foods!).

It's a process of trial and error for sure and I wish you the best on this healing journey!

Spouse of 58 yr old with BOT cancer
Stage 4a HPV16 positive
3 chemo treatments cisplantin
35 radiation treatments 7000 cGy
former smoker/chewed tobacco for 38 yrs.
1/2020 diagnosed with cancer near TMJ
4/2020 chemo 5 days every 2 weeks
6/2020 proton therapy
9/21/2020 cancer free