Thanks for the advice gmcraft!

So, according to the doctor the above mentioned suspicious looking points are RT side effects. He did a physical examination by pressing the mylohyoid area, he said it seems clear as of now. He asked to come back again for a checkup after 3 months. I want a second opinion though.

I also had another conversation with dad about alcohol and he said he'll quit altogether. I told him if he can do that then that's great otherwise start slowly. Reduce the frequency and gradually get to the point where you don't feel like having it. He seems on board. smile

Son of patient with moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue.
Histopathological report results post surgery which involved resection of tongue with sufficient margins and neck dissection upto level IV:
Staging: pT1N0M0
Margins are clear, so are nodes
PNI present
Degree of keratinization is moderate
Brynes infiltrating pattern 3

"Impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way, becomes the way." - Marcus Aurelius