It has been two years since my last surgery, and so far, so good. I had my PEG changed out a couple of weeks ago and am holding my own. Even though I can't drink coffee, I find that I can put it through my tube if I cool it. That's almost as good as drinking it. I have to haul my suction machine with me everywhere I go, but it doesn't seem to bother anyone. I do voice exercises everyday, and some stretching exercises as well. Thanks for the support here, you guys are the only ones who can understand what we are all going through.

Female, nonsmoker, 70, diag. 5/09 after tongue biopsy: stage IV. Left hemi-gloss. and left selec. neck disec. 30 lymph nodes removed May 20. Over 7 weeks daily rads. with three chemo. PEG removed 12/4/09 Am eating mostly soft foods. Back to work 11/09 Retired 4/1/11. 7 clear scans! Port out 9/11. 2/13. It's back: base of tongue, very invasive
surgery involving lifestyle changes. 2/14: Now speaking w/Passey-Muir valve. Considering a swallow study. Grateful to be alive.