Thanks again to all the responses. I went for a scheduled throat dilation 2 weeks ago. The GI doc informed me and my wife that he was unable to do a dilation due to the fibrosis in the tissue. He stated he tried two different techniques but neither would work. He called my radiation oncologist and recommended that I have a PEG tube put in again. We agreed that I do not need a PEG tube at this point as I am still able to eat soft foods and take liquids by mouth at this time. I have had 3 swallowing tests done in recent months; also, a course each in PT for the head and neck; massage therapy for the lymphedema in the neck and throat areas, and also Speech Therapy. I have been using self massages at home, doing the PT and Speech therapy exercises at home also. In the past week I have begun a second round of Sppech, PT, and Massage therapies. A CT scan last week of my head and neck showed no new cancer. Great news!
One of the worst things about this illness is the ever-present feeling that this may be the best it will ever be. That is depressing--but we have to be thankful for what we have.