Hello...my first time to post. I am a retired, 72 yo, married male. Diagnosed with oral cancel (right tongue) in Oct. 2013. I had oral surgery (partial glossectomy and right modified radical neck dissection). I have completed chemo and 38 courses of radiation to the right throat and mouth areas. I had a PEG tub for about 6 months but it is now gone. I have had two throat dilations done and am to get a 3rd one next week. My last PET scan was negative for any cancer.
My biggest surprise has been the after-affects of radiation and chemo--none of the medical staff fore-warned me of any of the complications. I do believe I got excellent surgical and medical care. I am just frustrated with the continual effects I am dealing with. I have painful fibrosis in the neck/throat areas, my voice has/is changing, swallowing is getting worse. I have completed PT, Speech Therapy, and massage therapy for these problems. However, they continue to get worse. I would like to hear from others who have had the same experiences and what can you tell me to expect further down the road?