Thanks, Tony. At least I know that there were foods that used to be tolerable closer to the end of treatment and now, somehow, they are not longer tolerable. I think that's what you're saying and that's my concern. It's not so much as a mourning or grieving for not being able to eat certain foods. I was just concerned about the increased sensitivity.
The mechanics of chewing and tolerating certain food textures is something that is easily fixed and acceptable to me. I am now weighing and measuring my food on a digital scale, as I did years past, which brought me to a healthy body and mind. I have no doubt it will happen again, as long as I continue to do it one day at a time.
Uptown, thank you for your input, too. Your are right that the common ingredient seems to be vinegar or foods that are too acidic (tomatoes, citrus). I just happened to mention the plain Kosher hot dogs because it surprised me, of all things.
Thanks for the input. I really appreciate it. I will surely mention this at my next appointment. I understand that even my docs may not have an explanation, just as long as it's not a sign of something more serious going on. Our bodies are amazing and puzzling.
Take care.
Love in OCF,