Best of luck to you and your family. I am glad to hear that he is getting further treatments, which means you still have hope! My father-in-law died of tongue cancer about 10 years ago. My mother-in-law is an RN and was able to care for him at home with the help of hospice and family. We focused on quality of life for him, making him as comfortable as possible in the end. It wasn't easy for us, but we just let him work through all of the emotions he had. If he had a bad day and wanted to gripe and snap we let him. If he was happy we helped him be happy. Just your being there helps so much. We spent many many hours just sitting quietly with him. If he continues to stay depressed then I would suggest talking with your doctors to see what you can do for him. Best wishes and hugs!

Female, Age 38, healthy non-smoker, rarely drank, regularly workout
May 2014 noticed irritation on tongue
6/18 saw doctor
6/25 saw ENT specialist got biopsy
6/30 Dx HPV P16+ ve SCC tongue cancer
7/9 CT scans, no visible spread
8/20 partial glossectomy with radial forearm flap, neck dissection 26 nodes sampled - results T2 N0 with mild dysplasia
4/2015 start to have ear pain
5/2015 recurrence
6/4/2015 surgery 29 nodes samples pN 2c
7/13/2015 7 wks of Chemo & Radiation start