Dear Estelle,

What an incredibly upsetting experience. I searched for forums when my husband was diagnosed and chose this one because it is moderated and there are policies (and consequences) for what is posted. It also seems to me that there are an increasing number of internet "trolls" who hide under the veil of anonymity and enjoy posting hurtful comments to others. I'm not sure if that's what happened in your case but at the very least, comments derogating someone's physical and emotional pain are pointless and hurtful.

Warmly- Sophie H.

Sophie T.

CG to husband: SCC Stage 4, T4, N1, M0; non-smoker and very light social drinker; HPV+
induction chemo begun 7/07; chemo/radiation ended 10/10, first cat scan clear; scan on 5/9/08 clear, scan on 10/08 clear; scan 1/09 clear; scan 1/10 clear; passed away July 2, 2016